Thanks to the WBF2010 I’ve been thinking about my new job description. Many proposals have been received. It was voted on. Personal preferences have been proposed. The final result: Now I call myself a “digital mobilist” (in Austrian: “digitaler Mobilist”). “Mobilist” is a word creation, composed of “mobility” and “journalist”. Probably the first on our planet 🙂 That’s awesome. Now my parents will finally understand what I do at work 🙂
Servus Helmuth!
I like your job title!
My real estate blogging activity (german: Immobilien) and the journalistic part of it makes me to an “Digital Immobilist” 😉
Maybe a nice new titel for my blog…
cu Roland
Servus Roland!
We should develop a complete “family” of job descriptions 🙂
Ciao – Helmut
Servus Roland,
we should develop a complete “family” of job decriptions 🙂
CU – Helmut
What exactly does that mean? How do a journalist, using a smartphone or netbook and a digital mobilist differ?
A journalist, using a smartphone / netbook, uses the devices as tools. A digital mobilist writes about the tools, living with these things, and earns his moneywith them. A digital mobilist has only one topic (24/7): digital mobile. A digital mobilist changes his equipment in very short intervals. A digital mobilist uses almost all digital mobile service in everyday life. A digital mobilist thinks like a mobile device (not serious) 🙂